conformation dog shows

More on AKC All-Breed Dog Shows

A friend of mine and I were conversing about the decline of dog entries at AKC conformation shows, and I wondered how the loss of 384,000 entries over a ten-year span had affected her and her breed. She regularly exhibits and is well-known in Longhaired Dachshunds, not only here on the East Coast but she also travels great distances such as to the mid-west and Florida's Eukanuba. I was keenly interested in her feedback and the experiences she has encountered in her breed....

AKC Conformation Events, A Closer Look

After writing my post, "Sad to See," I decided to look closer into how many AKC conformation all-breed events are held annually. If you read my earlier article you would be familiar with the argument by many, many fanciers that there are too many dog shows today, and as a result, the number of entries are spread very thin but also membership and volunteerism as well.

First, do you believe that there are fewer entries at conformation dog shows? Take a look at the data concerning AKC conformation events and for those who disbelieve, this will change your mind........

Update on a Previous Post "Here We Go Again, Foreign Dog Show Judges"

I recently have been told that one or more members of the Potomac Valley Irish Wolfhound Club were allegedly upset that I publicly aired their April specialty show debacle involving the foreign judge, Knut Olav Wille. Although out of politeness, I originally did not mention their specialty association by name, nor the Judge's, I am doing so now for several reasons......

Sad to See

I recently attended a dog show cluster that used to be called "The Adirondack Circuit, The Place to Be," which is a well-known eastern cluster of five back-to-back shows held in Ballston Spa, New York during August. Wednesday through Sunday, these shows have provided an opportunity for exhibitors to "park and plant it" for as long as I can remember and in years past attracted large entries. Admittedly, I have not exhibited at this circuit since 2009 but boy, what a surprise it was for me when I arrived. I entered one day out of the five being a Saturday and it was, as I alluded to, something of a shock for me and my friend....