
Canine Mammary Adenocarcinoma

This is a carry over from my previous Blog Post on "Lumps, Bumps, Masses, Tumors, and Cysts." I wrote on the removal of a mammary or breast tumor from one of our female veteran Irish Wolfhounds (8.5-year-old), and the biopsy test is back. Indeed, the results are that the tumor was mammary adenocarcinoma. Naturally, many people at this point may panic or, at the least, are profoundly concerned.......

Lumps, Bumps, Masses, Tumors and Cysts.

Lumps, bumps, masses, tumors and cysts. On an Irish Wolfhound, any one of these can spark alarm in most people's minds leading to the feared cancer diagnosis. Understandably, many companion owners are not well-versed as to how to appropriately respond and then deal with these issues. Frankly, depending on the location of the "mass," alarm bells may or may not be warranted. However, many Wolfhound owners overreact and fall in step, and I mean every step, of their Veterinarians counsel, some of which I would caution against as it is sometimes improper and overly aggressive......