dog breeding practices

Dogs in Review Point/Counterpoint

A recent conversation in Dogs in Review Point/Counterpoint topic of the month section that I thought was engaging as the guest panelists answered in a thoughtful, meaningful manner. The subject matter is not new:

"In your experience, is the average exhibitor today more knowledgeable or less knowledgeable about breed standards, canine structure, and gait than he/she was 10 years ago?"

I know that this problem has been debated for at least 15 plus years alone in my circles, despite the ten years the point/counterpoint mentions......

Propagating a Breed and the Responsibilities Incurred

This article was originally printed in the Irish Wolfhound Club of America's Harp & Hound magazine Autumn 2016 Issue.....

More Thoughts From Florence Nagle on the Irish Wolfhound

Though unique to the Irish Wolfhound breed, this brief conversation with famous sportswoman, Florence Nagle is befitting of all our giant Sighthound hunters. It is solid, basic logic that should prevail within the attitude of good breeders today. Unfortunately, over these many decades, I believe that our sport's mentality has devolved, rather than evolved. Moreover, in the case of the Irish Wolfhound breed, the overall state of mind has degenerated, having lost the mental and moral qualities that were once normal and desirable.

Purebred Dog Breeding Practices

A friend of mine sent me a recent article from the Albany Times Union Newspaper titled, "Regulate Breeding Practices." Presumably, this article is just one of the thousands that appear on a regular basis throughout the country damning purebred dogs. Most likely many dog fanciers dismissed it accordingly, as it is by yet another misinformed animal rights lackey bloviating about purebred dogs...