sighthound acreage

Sighthound Necessities

The Importance of Free Exercise for Large Sighthounds

Sighthounds love to gallop, to chase and stretch out. They experience unmistakable, sheer glee as they are bending, folding and leaping. You can see it in their expression. So, why is it that so many of these admirable Sighthounds are found living in unsuitable homes, having little or no fenced, secured acreage?

Sighthound Necessities

The Importance of Free Exercise for Large Sighthounds

Sighthounds love to gallop, to chase and stretch out. They experience unmistakable, sheer glee as they are bending, folding and leaping. You can see it in their expression. So, why is it that so many of these admirable Sighthounds are found living in unsuitable homes, having little or no fenced, secured acreage?